Who we are?

We are a teaching and an evangelistic ministry saddled with the primary responsibility of taking the gospel of salvation and healing to the lost in its simplicity and power.

Our Vision

⦁ Teach the fundamental gospel truths of the Christian faith which will liberate believers in Christ Jesus from the bondage caused by ignorance and position them to begin and continue to enjoy a victorious Christian life.

Our Mission

We have a mandate to step out in faith into dark territories so as to depopulate the Kingdom of darkness and populate the Kingdom of God.

The Story of SLGEM And how it began

It All Began with a Divine Mandate In 2012, deep in prayer and fasting, Dr. Ikponmwosa Oghogho received a call from God. It wasn’t just a whisper—it was a mission. To step into the darkest places and bring the light of salvation and healing. Today, SLGEM—Save the Lost Evangelistic Ministry—is fulfilling that mandate, reaching people in streets, villages, schools, and prisons. With every crusade, social mission, and intercession, lives are transformed, and communities are reborn.

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    Protecting wildlife

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    Benefits of senior citizen program

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, etiam integre no est. Vocibus appareat accomm moduses quo ne. Et mel persius meliore mentitum laude.

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    Volunteers joined the cause
    Volunteers joined the cause

    Help stop world hunger

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    For a cleaner world

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    Help children in need

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      Mel delectus honestat, usu choro delicata ad dissentiet magna eum.

      Manager Mary Fox

      Qui molestie scripserit te, ex ludus primis per labore vidis quod.

      Teacher Kevin Wels

      Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, aequem propriae asueverit in tempor.

      Volunteer Simone Cooper

      Help stop world hunger

      * Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, usu pros apeirian medio critatem ein ad debit.
      Volunteers joined the cause
      Organizations joined the cause